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Name : Amirah binti Abdul Rashid

Origin Hometown : Ipoh

Field: Computer Engineering

Full-time : IT Assistant

Part-time : Tutor, Web Designer & Writer

Expertise : Web Development, Graphic and Multimedia Designer

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Being deeply loved by someone gives u strength, while loving someone deeply gives u courage. yes..i mean u...



People think that the most painful thing in life is losing the one value, the truth is, the most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of valuing someone too much and forgetting that you are special too...



by Amyra Javaroses

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Sekiranya kita cinta kepada manusia, tidak semestinya manusia akan cintakan kita. Tetapi sekiranya kita cintakan Allah nescaya cinta Allah tiada penghujungnya. Sekiranya kita cinta kepada manusia, kita akan cemburu kepada orang yang mencintai orang yang kita cintai. Tetapi sekiranya kita cinta kepada Allah, kita akan turut mencintai orang yang melabuhkan cintanya kepada Allah juga.

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18 September 2013



by Amyra javaroses
10 September 2013

I WISH.....

So true... Can I????

by Amyra javaroses
04 September 2013


Education is act of acquiring general knowledge and essence to solve problems in our daily life. Our education is the fundamental of identity development where it would be exposed on an individual's maturity. In order to get the best education, we shall begin by teacher through the effective teaching techniques.

Teaching is a professional career that provides challenges, excitement, personal reward and a chance to encourage and support students to achieve their goals. The role of teaching is focuses on how to educate underachievers’ students to obtain a better education. As a result, teacher can change the life of their underachievers’ students by applying the great teaching skills.

            A teacher is a role model to be followed by students where teacher is the key to the whole education process. According to what has been said by Saidina Umar: "Educate your children according to their age." The issue of educate the students are associated along with an ideal teacher in the teaching field. It is true that an ideal teacher should have an excellent characteristic such as a good motivator and a good guider as well as understand the students’ physiologies. However, what makes a teacher differs from the others are the teachers must have a great personal qualities and skills in teaching profession. Throughout in the classroom, an ideal teacher should have two essential qualities that are intellectual capacity and moral ability. 

            Intellectual capacity is a crucial part of the whole educational process where teachers should have the strong knowledge in particular subject areas. Since intellectual is a quality that matters a lot of students, they assume that an ideal teacher is expertise in particular subject which able to make them intelligent as well. However, what teachers’ necessity is the teacher should have a good grounding in the knowledge of Islam and should be well read in the general culture of Islam. In addition, moral ability is one of the essential qualities for an ideal teacher. Moral ability is referring to a teacher who is able to educate their students in manner way that they will become fully aware on their knowledge.

Based on my research, an ideal teacher should be active while she or he is lecturing. In other words, the teacher should not be talking monotonously while teaching in classroom. An ideal teacher must manage their time in classroom which means that they should not spend the whole time lecturing on the topics. Teachers should understand what students need and do not stress the students. Besides that, an ideal teacher should have an emotional adjustment even if the students do not like their subjects. The teachers should certainly smart and not be arrogant to their students.  A good teacher is someone who communicates easily with people. These teachers should have good knowledge of the subject matter, speak and should be able to direct students’ attention to the lesson.  Teachers should be lenient and since they are an example for the students. A bad teacher is boring, behaves negatively towards students as if they were second class people.

Eventually, the most significant point about an ideal teacher is that the teacher must practice what they preach, even on the tiniest of matters.


Arrrggghhhh.... Pointless isn't??? Sebenarnya aku tidak laaa pandai English sangat... Nak sturcture balik ayat then nak betoikan grammatically error ni membuatkan aku muntah hijau... Tolong laaaa.... Why always me????? T___T

 by Amyra javaroses


Rasulullah S.A.W juga pernah bersabda maksudnya “Didiklah anak-anakmu dengan 3 perkara iaitu mencintai nabinya, mencintai ahli bait (keluarga)nya dan bacaan al-Quran, kerana ahli al-Quran itu mendapat naungan Allah pada hari yang tiada naungan melainkan naunganNya bersama-sama para Nabi”.

Berperang untuk melawan sikap malas, bersemangat untuk belajar, pasti akan dialami. Ini bukan saat untuk terlelap, terbuai dalam mimpi tak berujung. Tiada istilah lelah dan penat, untuk menjadi sang pejuang.


Hi! This is Amyra, admin of and many more. A small blogger and started blogging as a hobby. Previously, I worked as a tutor and teacher, and of course currently, I worked as Kuli at Government Sector. I am running a number of Blog/Sites from my living room. Do contact me if u olls have any problems with ur sites. gtg. Catch ya later. =)